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Public Liability

Public Liability
If you have sustained an injury at a public place which you consider to be the fault either wholly or partly of the owner or occupier of the premises, you may have a claim.

Owners or occupiers of public places and local authorities are under an obligation to make sure that visitors to such premises are safe and not exposed to a risk of injury and failure to do so can result in a claim being brought against them in the event that a visitor to such premises is injured. can assist you if you have been injured as a result of Slipping, Tripping or Falling on Floors, Pavements, Steps or Ramps etc in a Public Place. The most common cause of Public Liability claims are when clients trip over Uneven Pavements, fall in Potholes on public roads, going to the local Supermarket and Slipping over produce which was not cleaned up, Faulty Equipment in Playgrounds and Sports Centres. The most common incident is Slipping on Wet Surfaces in a public place. Local Authorities are under a duty to ensure that pavements and public highways are in a safe condition for public use.

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